Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Across the board advocates just do not get it

Can anyone tell me why it is more important to grant across the board property tax reductions to all taxpayers than to maximize the relief given to those most severely affected?

It would be nice to give everyone a tax break. But to say it is imperitive to give a 10% property tax reduction to someone earning $150,000 while limiting the reduction to 20% for those making $25,000 reveals the utterly oblivious understanding those proponents have of the real issue here.

If these people understood the concept of tax justice as the issue, they would be not be suggesting distributing the limited money available to those in least need of it. They seem to fail to remotely understand that equity and fairness are even an issue, let alone the issue.

Those in the bottom 20% of taxpayers pay almost triple the percent of their income in property taxes as compared to the top 20%. This fact proves there is an inherent inequity built into the property tax. Across the board reductions will not change that formula. Therefore, addressing that inequity must be the starting point in dealing with the property tax issue.

It is obvious that the only way to deal with bringing true relief to those in most dire need of it is to find an alternative to the property tax. Pumping money in without dealing with its structurally built in bias against low and no income taxpayers will only result in superficial and quickly passing relief.


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